Il Barbiere di Siviglia

Gioachino Rossini

Libretto Libretto by Cesare Sterbini, after the play by Beaumarchais
Duration 3h 15 min Breaks 1
Language italian Subtitles Yes Premiere 10th november 2016
World premiere 20th of february 1816 (titled Almaviva, ossia L’inutile precauzione), Teatro Argentina Of Rome
Conductor Marcello Motadelli
Directed by Matteo Mazzoni - Italy
Video Fabio Massimo Iaquone, Luca Attilii - Italy
Choreography Andreea Gavriliu
Chorus master Stelian Olariu, Daniel Jinga
Assistants director: Irina Furdui, Cristina Cotescu


Dirijor : Ciprian Teodorașcu

Alexandru Constantin

Oana Andra

Contele Almaviva
Bogdan Mihai

Don Bartolo
Vicențiu Țăranu

Don Basilio
Leonard Bernad

Andreea Bucur

Fiorello/ Sergentul
Daniel Filipescu

Andrei Bolohan

Cu participarea Orchestrei, Corului și a Ansamblului de Balet ale Operei Naționale București

*Instituția își rezervă dreptul de a aduce modificări în distribuțiile spectacolelor în cazul în care situația le impune.

Dirijor: Ciprian Teodorașcu

Adrian Mărcan

Mihaela Ișpan

Contele Almaviva
Andrei Fermeșanu – invitat

Don Bartolo
Iustinian Zetea

Don Basilio
Marius Boloș

Andreea Bucur

Fiorello/ Sergentul
Daniel Filipescu

Andrei Bolohan

Cu participarea Orchestrei, Corului și a Ansamblului de Balet ale Operei Naționale București

*Instituția își rezervă dreptul de a aduce modificări în distribuțiile spectacolelor în cazul în care situația le impune.


Opera in two acts by Gioachino Rossini
Libretto by Cesare Sterbini, after the play by Beaumarchais

18th of February 2017

Figaro: Daniel Pop
Maria Jinga
Contele Almaviva: 
Andrei Fermeşanu – guest Opera Naţională Română Iaşi
Don Bartolo:  
Vicenţiu Ţăranu
Don Basilio:
 Horia Sandu
Adriana Marcu (debut)
Ionuţ Gavrilă
Ionuţ Gavrilă

Part I

A plaza next to the house of Dr. Bartolo, early in the morning. Count Almaviva, in love with Rosina, doctor’s daughter, spy the windows, accompanied by a group of musicians led by Fiorello. He he dedicated to the young women a serenade then pays the musicians urging them to leave. He lefts alone, waiting to see the effect of the serenade, but close of someone forces him to hide. The new arrival is  Figaro, a famous barber well known for his skill in business, intrigue and love messages, ex – employee of the Count.

Almaviva recognizes him and learning that Figaro is Bartolo’s barber, asks for help to win the heart of Rosina. Both plan to get into the doctor’s house, which guards his daughter, hoping to marry her and  to acquire her dowry. His main help in this plan is the intriguing Don Basilio, a so-called singing teacher. For a moment, Rosina appears on the balcony, but she is immediately pulled down by Bartolo, not before leaving to fall a little letter (which, of course, she is wondering who is the beautiful unknown person who sings her a serenade).

Almaviva’s answer is another song; the count present himself as Lindoro, a poor student. Figaro’s plan to enter into the house is simple: Almaviva, dressed in soldier will ask hosting to Bartolo, then skillfully will try to talk to Rosina.

 Part II

One room in Dr. Bartolo’s house . Rosina, alone, thinks about the young lover she is interested to. She is interrupts by Bartolo and Basilio, who are talking about the danger of Almaviva’s arrival representsand also the planned wedding between the doctor and Rosina. Basilio describes cynically to the doctor how the reputation of Almaviva can be destroyed in front Rosina. Together they are redy to prepare the marriage contract. Figaro enters the house, seeking to convince Rosina of Lindoro’s  feelings, asking her a letter. Rosina has already prepared a love note. Bartolo returns, with the desire to find out what kind of paper lost Rosina in the morning in the balcony. He does not accepts excuses, no explanation, chiding her tyrannical. Almaviva makes its appearance, wearing military and pretending to be drunk. Bartolo vehemently opposes to receive in the host Almaviva, and create a general scandal, involving everyone in the house at a time, meaning Figaro, Don Basilio and maid Berta. Because of the noisy and of their quarrel, the police arrive and is prepared to arrest Almaviva. But he shows tot he police his signet ring, an evidence that he is a noble and escape the punishment. All those present are surprised by the fact.


Part III

One room in the house of Dr. Bartolo. While Bartolo is concerned by the events, Almaviva returns, this time dressed as a music teacher. He lies that he was sent by Don Basilio, beeing ill,  he asked him to take singing lessons with Rosina . In order to persuade Bartolo that he is a reliable person, he entrusts to Almaviva Rosina,s letter, advising him to explain to the girl that the letter belongs to another woman addressed to the count. The singing lesson starts and, while the doctor is dozing, the youg lovers exchange words of love and Figaro, shaves Bartolo and in the same time manages to steal the key of the balcony door.

Don Basilio’s unexpected entry,  cause a catastrophe, threateningto be  avoided by Almaviva, who bribes him to keep quiet.  Bartolo sends Don Basilio after the notary, and quickly decided to conclude the contract of marriage. Bartolo finds out that Rosina wants to run away with her boyfriend, so he  put a guard to trying to prevent them. Rosina finally learned that Lindoro and Count Almaviva are the same person. The two, together with Figaro, are moving to the balcony in order to escape, but they can not find the ladder! Together with a notary, Don Basilio arrives and, according to his character, accepts a fee to become a marriage witness of marriage betweenthe counte and Rosina . Finally appears Bartolo, who receives the news about the marriage, but also Rosina’s dowry, offered generous by the rich Count Almaviva.